Panorama - Aboyne, Tarland, Birse

Panorama - Aboyne, Tarland, Birse
Walk with Me: you can click on (some of) the pics to enlarge them

Wednesday 16 May 2007


Have you ever noticed the Dusk Chorus? Country folk go on about the dawn chorus but we all - late risers particularly - can hear the dusk chorus anywhere in UK. We seem to have a chimney pot that's attractive to birds who take it in turns to sit and sing. The chimney's metal-lined for the gas fire and acts as a sound box so we're treated to some lovely renditions, not only at dusk but during the frequent rain showers too.

I don't creep around trying to photograph wildlife but we often see deer and red grouse whilst out walking. Snakes or slow worms bask in the sun and rabbits seem very clever at freezing so still that you lose sight of them camouflaged on the soil or in heather.

I'd never heard of capercaillie until I came here.

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