Panorama - Aboyne, Tarland, Birse

Panorama - Aboyne, Tarland, Birse
Walk with Me: you can click on (some of) the pics to enlarge them

Tuesday 15 May 2007

THIS is a GOOD path

No photo ever shows the steepness or the ankle-wrenching cobbles and rocks on the paths and non-paths, tracks and non-existent routes that lead to the best parts of the high ground.

Tourist routes and 'metalled roads' are not for us; they make your feet ache more, give you blisters and in my case make my knees feel dislocated. But you do have to watch every step on the stoney ground so as not to lose your footing, bend an ankle and sprain it or worse. It can mean you miss seeing the scenery and it can mean you can't hurry. Going up is easier than coming down although the internal combustion heat can get a bit much.

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