Panorama - Aboyne, Tarland, Birse

Panorama - Aboyne, Tarland, Birse
Walk with Me: you can click on (some of) the pics to enlarge them

Wednesday 15 August 2007

A Morning's Walk

Leaving the car park at Dinnet and taking 20 minutes to negotiate the diverted footpath, due to earthworks by the river, we took the 'red circular walk' around Loch Kinord.

With plenty of shade we weren't too worried that the path wasn't very clear; and with it all being geared up for a tourist walk we had no fears of getting lost.

Alas the Loch seemed to be nowhere in sight but it was a lovely walk and we couldn't be very far away from it, could we?

We just kept walking and as usual I followed the Giver of Directions who miraculously finds the right way (mostly).

The sun was getting a bit hot but the water was nowhere to be seen.

It's okay, it's got to be around here somewhere, it was on the 'red route' and we followed the red arrows whenever we saw them.

Ah-ha! We came across another small car park and a gate that led to a dip in the land and clearly - there's the Loch, the blue in the centre of this picture. We were on the right track after all. [Try double clicking to make it full-size.]

Down by the water the banks were lush with ferns and heathers coming into flower.

The cool water looked good enough to drink ...

And sure enough - as promised - the 'red route' took 2 hours 30 mins to walk (including a wee stop to eat biscuits). A beautiful setting: I could've stayed all day and taken far more photos, bored you even more . . .